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Friday, March 5, 2010

Verizon Fios Reviews Needed

For the past couple of years, we have gathered a diverse collection of AT&T U-Verse reviews.  While we've covered other companies and services, even featuring reviews on services like cable and cellular service, we haven't been able to get much info. on Verizon Fios service, which we believe is regarded as another good service overall.  The main problem with Verizon Fios seems to be that the service isn't available in enough areas yet, well actually it hasn't been since we first heard about it which was at least 4 years ago.  We know Fios offers high speed Internet, cable tv, and of course home phone service, so we're asking any of our readers to contribute your thoughts on Verizon Fios if you have had any experience with any of their services.  If we get enough feedback we will feature a follow up post similar to our coverage of U-Verse service, in which we will feature both the positives and negatives of the Verizon Fios services.  Please leave any reviews or thoughts on the service in the comments below.